This excellent resource will improve your understanding of confidentiality, giving you the practical support and advice you need to ensure you are satisfying your confidentiality responsibilities.

About the course
As a health or social care worker you have access to private and personal information about those in your care. Do you know who has a legitimate need to know this information? Do you understand your legal duty to protect confidentiality? If not, this is the ideal resource to expand and develop your knowledge, to ensure you are fulfilling your duty of care.
Who is this course for?
Ideal for induction, refresher, management and vocational training.
What does the course cover?
- What is confidentiality?
- Legislation
- General Data Protection Regulations
- Policies & procedures
- The individual’s role
- Record keeping
- Worries about confidentiality
- Breaching confidentiality
- The danger of revealing information
- Types of confidential information
- Deciding if information is confidential
- Access to information
- Paper records
- Care plans
- Post
- Computers
- E-mails, faxes & telephone calls
- Visitors
- Sharing information
- Interpreters
- Relatives
- Refusing information
- Accidentally breaking confidentiality
- Gossip
- Breaching confidence
- Breaking confidentiality in day-to-day tasks
- Secrets
- Abusing access to information
How is the course assessed?
After each module you will be asked a set of multiple-choice questions. The answers are marked automatically so you instantly know your score.
Every trainee receives a FREE training certificate on completion of the course as evidence for your records.