Pressure Care
There is no legitimate reason why someone receiving a health or social care service should suffer from a pressure injury or wound. When have you encountered pressure injuries in the past? Did you know how to respond? Learning the signs, symptoms and preventative techniques is integral to your role in providing best practice person centred care.

About the course
This comprehensive pressure care resource will deepen your understanding of pressure related injuries and their surrounding issues.
Who is this course for?
A ‘must have’ for induction, refresher, management and vocational training.
What does the course cover?
- What is pressure care?
- Types of pressure injuries
- Signs & symptoms
- Causes of pressure wounds
- Friction injuries
- Shearing injuries
- Maceration
- Skin conditions
- Types of pressure ulcers
- Risk factors
- Stages of pressure ulcer development
- Preventing pressure ulcers
- Turning & repositioning
- Tilting
- The 30° tilt
- Safe moving & handling
- Pressure relieving equipment & aids
- Nutrition & pressure care
- Wheelchair users
- Observation
- Pressure care assessments
- Treatment
- Infection control
- The healing process
How is the course assessed?
After each module you will be asked a set of multiple-choice questions. The answers are marked automatically so you instantly know your score.
Every trainee receives a FREE training certificate on completion of the course as evidence for your records.