The Digital Skills Framework and Digitising Social Care
Further to the White Paper ‘People at the Heart of Care’, a ‘Digitising Social Care’ programme has been launched, to help people working in adult social care to develop their digital skills.
The white paper - People at the Heart of Care - should be seen as a first but highly significant step on a journey of transformation, according to ADASS, a charity whose members include directors and other senior staff in local authority adult social services departments.
The white paper sets out an ambitious 10-year vision for how the government will transform support and care in England.
The vision outlined within the white paper puts people at its heart and revolves around three main objectives:
At Social Care TV we believe that the policies outlined in the white paper will result in profound changes in the sector – and that it addresses the need for a clear, concise career pathway for those working in the sector.
Amongst a raft of financial commitments within the sector, the government will provide at least £500 million over the next 3 years for training and qualifications for the social care workforce so that they feel ‘recognised and valued for their skills and commitment’. They also intend to prioritise wellbeing for the workforce. A much needed strategy after the unprecedented demands of the last two years we believe.
The government intend to launch a Knowledge and Skills framework (KSF), career pathways and linked investment in learning and development to support progression for care workers and registered managers.
The paper states that ‘this dedicated investment in knowledge, skills, health and wellbeing and recruitment policies will improve social care as a long-term career choice. It will complement the government’s Plan for Jobs by boosting the sector’s skills with the expertise employers need. As part of this, harnessing and building on the significant skills and expertise already within the workforce, we will develop new universal career structures and training opportunities to enable people to progress and realise their potential.’
The future career path for care workers now looks more certain and structured and reflects the level of commitment, dedication and skill required.
As pioneers of high quality training within the health and social care sector, we look forward to welcoming a new wave of recognition, reward and progression – as well as a sense of excitement from care workers as they work through a more structured career path.
The government outlines several statements that they would like those that work in adult social care to be able to say once new measures are in place. These include the following:
This is something we absolutely believe care workers have a fundamental right to be able to state.
We will be closely following the government’s new proposals and will continue to play our part in delivering high quality e-learning across the UK.