The Digital Skills Framework and Digitising Social Care
Further to the White Paper ‘People at the Heart of Care’, a ‘Digitising Social Care’ programme has been launched, to help people working in adult social care to develop their digital skills.
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Further to the White Paper ‘People at the Heart of Care’, a ‘Digitising Social Care’ programme has been launched, to help people working in adult social care to develop their digital skills.
On May 12th 2022, the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability and Autism was signed into law with royal assent as part of the Government’s Health and Social Care Act 2022.
The white paper – ‘People at the Heart of Care’ sets out an ambitious 10 year vision for how the government will transform support and care in England.
At Social Care TV, were thrilled with the recent ‘Made for Care’ government recruitment initiative.